Publication list

Book chapter:

  1. J.-E. Chu*, & Cheung, H. M.: Extratropical Transition of Tropical Cyclones in a Changing Climate. Advances in Hurricane Risk in a Changing Climate, Hurricane Risk, vol 3. Springer, Cham.

Peer-reviewed journal articles:

  1. Cheung, H. M., & Chu, J. E.* (2023). Global increase in destructive potential of extratropical transition events in response to greenhouse warming. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6(1), 137.

  2. Cheung, H. M., Ho, C. H.*, & Chang, M. (2022). Hybrid neural network models for postprocessing medium-range forecasts of tropical cyclone tracks over the western North Pacific. Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems, 1(4), e210003.

  3. Lam, Y. F.*, & Cheung, H. M. (2022). Investigation of Policy Relevant Background (PRB) Ozone in East Asia. Atmosphere, 13(5), 723.

  4. Cheung, H. M., Ho, C. H.*, Chang, M., Kim, D., Kim, J., & Choi, W. (2021). Development of a track-pattern-based medium-range tropical cyclone forecasting system for the western North Pacific. Weather and Forecasting, 36(4), 1505-1518.

  5. Cheung, H. M., Ho, C. H.*, Jhun, J. G., Park, D. S. R., & Yang, S. (2018). Tropical cyclone signals on rainfall distribution during strong vs. weak Changma/Baiu years. Climate Dynamics, 51, 2311-2320.

  6. Lam, Y. F.*, Cheung, H. M., & Ying, C. C. (2018). Impact of tropical cyclone track change on regional air quality. Science of the Total Environment, 610, 1347-1355.

  7. Chan, K. L., Hartl, A., Lam, Y. F., Xie*, P. H., Liu, W. Q., Cheung, H. M., … & Wenig, M. O. (2015). Observations of tropospheric NO2 using ground based MAX-DOAS and OMI measurements during the Shanghai World Expo 2010. Atmospheric Environment, 119, 45-58.

  8. Kuhlmann, G.* , Lam, Y. F.*, Cheung, H. M., Hartl, A., Fung, J. C. H., Chan, P. W., & Wenig, M. O. (2015). Development of a custom OMI NO 2 data product for evaluating biases in a regional chemistry transport model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15(10), 5627-5644.

  9. Kuhlmann, G., Hartl, A., Cheung, H. M., Lam, Y. F.*, & Wenig, M. O. (2014). A novel gridding algorithm to create regional trace gas maps from satellite observations. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7(2), 451-467.